Why is Postural Alignment Important?
WHY IS POSTURAL ALIGNMENT IMPORTANT? What are the long term side effects of bad posture? Shawn Henderson, D.C. Outside of not looking healthy, poor posture has several significant health implications. First of all it is important to realize that gravity works against us all our life and the earlier we begin to get into poor…
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Natural Ways to Improve Your Fertility
Natural Ways to Improve Your Fertility By Dr. Lesley D’Souza, ND Making a baby seems quite simple. Sperm meets egg, cells divide creating a mini human, wait nine months and voila…baby is born! For many couples, this is a natural process that takes place without any roadblocks. However, sometimes it doesn’t work out that easily…
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Pamper your Feet with Proper Footwear
Pamper Your Feet with Proper Footwear Qualities a Shoe should have for a Pronator? Ideally, for a person who over-pronates (arch falls inward) choose a shoe that has: Laces Closed backs A strong support around the heel A dense mid-sole Less than 12 months of wear Can fit custom orthotics. Qualities a Shoe should…
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6 Ways to Boost Metabolism and Weight Loss
6 Ways to Boost Metabolism and Weight Loss By: Dr. Lesley D’Souza, ND After all the holiday treats and over eating I’m sure we all feel like we could lose a little weight! Here are some ways to help boost your metabolism and kick start your weight loss journey. Increase protein intake: Metabolism is the…
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Flat Feet – When to see a Foot Specialist
Flat Feet - When to see a Foot Specialist By: Gavin Badyal Just because you have flat does not necessarily mean you need a medical intervention to correct them, sometimes a child or even an adult will have low arches and have no associated symptoms Usually flat feet are a common contributing factor to secondary…
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Foods that Detox the Body
Foods that Detox the Body By Dr. Lesley D’Souza, ND So last month we talked about the benefits of detox and how simple it can be to start. Cleaning up the diet is essential to any detox program as well as incorporating certain foods to aid in the detoxification process. Here are some of…
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How to Control Food Cravings
How to Control Food Cravings By: Lesley D’Souza, ND What Causes Cravings? When our blood sugar levels are imbalanced, we get cravings. Different foods will alter our blood sugar levels at different rates. Certain foods can cause our blood sugar levels to spike and subsequently fall, leaving us feeling tired, hungry, and craving carbohydrates and…
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Shoe Pain Getting you Down?
Shoe Pain Getting you Down? By Gavin Badyal, Chiropodist Do your feet hurt after you wear a particular pair of shoes? Shoes that do not provide adequate support and stability for the foot are classified as improper footwear. The resulting pain and discomfort from improper footwear can lead to foot conditions that could otherwise be…
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